New News Archives
The Ghostbusters Event was amazing! We had no idea how cool this was gonna be.
Thanks to Dan and his team from Buffalo Ghostbusters who ran such a great event.
New Christmas song
"Love Is For Always"
...and another new Christmas song:
"Christmas Memory"
Barnaby Bye, Just for the love of it..which features the Alessi Brothers, Billy and Bobby,
Peppy Castro from the Blues Magoos and Balance,Mike Ricciardella from the Illusion and Network also
Mike Barberich of 45 RPM will take the stage in the cool room at the Metropolitan in Glen Cove
August 3rd, for aMy Fathers Place event.
Tickets are available but there’s only 165 seats so don’t wait. We’re calling this show,
“The Bye Show”
The August 3rd show is sold out so we're adding another performance on Friday August 4th.
(the Sunday 6th show has been moved to Friday 4th.)
A new Christmas song:
"Love Is For Always"
...and another new Christmas song:
"Christmas Memory"
We found these in the archives:
Dec. 18, '15.We wish all our friends a fans a very happy holiday!
~Enjoy our holiday video album~
Just came across this photo of Bobby and Peter Frampton taken while we were at his house recording our song "Rise Up"
We're performing with Gene Cornish of the Young Rascals
Jan. 30th. at the Boulton Center, Bay Shore, NY
Playing all the Rascals hits and Gene shares a look into his past.
We had a blast playing 89 North. Thanks to all those that came out in the snow.
Billy and old pal Jackie Martling New Year's Day 2014.
...and Jackie doesn't drink!
It's on! Barnaby Bye sharing the stage with the amazing 45 RPM
It's on Friday February 14th. ...that's right, Valentine's day.
We'll perform all your favorite Alessi Bros. and Barnaby Bye songs not to mention Illusion, Balance and Magoos!
45 RPM rock the 60's 70's and 80's.
Come out and share the love!
It's a cool club with a great stage, sound and lighting. Great vibe.
-Advance Ticket Sales Available Here-
It's gonna be a special night.
I was in Rome recently and met with two of our long time fans, Giorgio and Max, both are surgeons.
Great guys, it felt like we were old friends right away.
-Here's a sample of a new remix created by SynthMinx in England-
A complete remix of the classic track 'Oh Lori' by the Alessi Brothers.
Available from April 2013 at
Now available
-click here-
The show was awesome, it was sold out!
Thanks to Fred Appel for his expert photography also Robbie Michaels and Gerard.
Billy and I want to wish all our friends and fans a beautiful, happy, healthy
New Year for 2014!
::It was awesome::
Mike Barbrich performing with us, always an honor.
In memory of our dear old friend
Richie Havens
Jan 21, 1941-April 22, 2013
Listen to Richie's performance on our song 'Space' from our 'Driftin' album
Phil Ramone
Without Phil we would have never been involved with many projects including "Ghostbusters"***
Hugh McCracken
Amazing guitarist and friend, we were honored to work with him.
We lost another dear friend on friday night, the 15th. February '13.
Here he is with us on a Barnaby Bye Cruise, as per his special request...we performed his favorite
song from the first Bye album, "Something Good About Nothing"
That was the first time we ever performed that song live...
In loving memory of our dear old friend..
Kevin Mcaleese
We'd like to wish all our friends and fans an amazing 2013!
-Hurricane Sandy-
Dear friends,
We just got Internet back, and we finally have power,(Billy still doesn't yet). we're running everything on a gas generators, turning them on and off every few hour's to save on gas. It's very hard to get gas, the lines to the gas stations are several hour's long and many times we have waited for hour's and finally get close to the pump only to get the bad news... there's no more gas, very frustrating. Three tree's came down on the us, but we're ok, the house is still in one piece. Luckily they didn't do much damage considering the damage to our neighbors, some of their homes are unlivable.. Camilla and I got accustomed with living in 45 to 55 degree house temperatures which is as high as it got with the fireplace...We were lucky to have a talented electrician friend wire our whole house to our gas generator, (as he did for my parents and my brother.) ,..the guys an angel...we now have heat...(as long as the gas generator is running)... ironically the wires dangling from our house are still connected some how so when the generator is running...we have Internet, phone, CABLE TV...a biggie for the love of my life, Camilla.
It's amazing how natures destruction can change reality overnight. Everything we took for granted was taken away, I don't think we will be taking them for granted for a long time. We are thankful it wasn't any worse and hopeful. My We can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you all for your concern.
It's official...we are proud to be inducted into the Long Island Music Hall Of Fame.
There will be a press conference on wednesday August 29th. at 11 am in front of the Paramount
theater in Huntington. Billy, Mike and Bobby will be there, (Peppy's in Montauk) we might even do
a song...everyone is invited. The actual Gala ceremony will be held at the Paramount on
Thursday October 18th. Barnaby Bye will perform as will other inductees I'm sure.
We hope to see our friends and fans support this great event.
Paul Yovino got some nice shots of the press conference on wednesday
(click photo to enlarge)
Sabine Uitslag is a Dutch politician (who also sings in a rock band in
Tickets to the 4th Annual Bye Cruise, today, Saturday, August 11th. at 8 pm are on sale!
Sailing out of Captree State Park Marina at 8 pm returning 11pm.
$60 per person includes dinner, beer, wine and soda and rockin to Barnaby Bye
featuring Alessi Bros. Mike Ricciardella, Peppy Castro not to mention Mike Barberich and Dave Gacione.
(Gene Cornish will be aboard so we'll be rockin some Rascals tunes for sure!)
Tickets are also available at the dock.
her freetime).
For her second dance in the show "Strictly Come Dancing" (the Dutch version of "Dancing With The Stars") Saturday night she had to dance a slow
foxtrot and she choose our song 'Oh Lori' to dance on but also to sing
it live. During the day it was all over the newspaper that she was going
to do this. The reviews were all positive and she scored high in the competition making it to
the quater finals!
We just received some very sad news that our old friend Larry Hoppen of Orleans has passed away. We are so saddened by this news. Our condolences go out to his family.
Larry...we love you wherever you are, thank you for blessing us with your kindness and talent.
If we may, we'd like to share one of our special moments with this very talented and special friend.
This was shot in our hotel room just before we shared the stage at the Level in Arnhem, Holland. Larry you will be sorely missed old friend.
We lost our very dear friend Esther Abel Mandersloot. We offer our sincere sympathy to
Ad, Ferdi, Jordi and the rest of the family.
-personal note-
We're back from our beloved Holland and a much anticipated
performance at the Isington Assembly Hall in London. It was great seeing all of our friends
and fans close up again!
We will have lots of photos and videos to share so stay tuned. Check out what they said about our show.We are now getting ready for the Boulton show on June 30th. This will be a new show with lots of new material.
Hope to see you there.
~bobby & billy
Here's our Fly On The Wall Video from our trip
It's official, tickets for our June 7th. performance at the Islington Assembly Hall are on sale!
Great news, the tickets for our June 30th. show at the Boulton are on sale. This time we're
planning on making the first half of the show unplugged. We'll be performing lots of songs
we don't usually perform in a very up close and personal style.
Click to see these talented girls do their version of "Oh Lori"
(is that Bruce Willis on guitar?)
-Here's an interview we did on Fios 1-
(Thanks Waldo, nice editing!)
Billy was asked by channel 5 news, "Good Day New York" to talk about his experience working with
Whitney Houston on Diet Coke commercials he's written and produced.
(click to see the interview)
Colleagues Remember Houston:
We are very sad to hear about the passing of Whitney Houston.She was one of the greats and had the pleasure of working with
her a few times. Here's one of them...
Thank you Whitney for sharing your incredible talent
We did an interview with Simon Davis on his show "Simon Davis on The Big L" in England
(Thanks Si, nice hangin with you!)
here's a link:
Alessi Brothers on The Big L with Simon Davis
Just booked the Boulton for Saturday June 30th. '12***
Our peformance at the GNAC Gala Salute To The Silver Screen was a great success!
It's time for the Dutch and Belgium Alessi fans to vote on the Yearly Radio 2 Top 2000:
Please go to this link and vote for your all time favorite song "Oh Lori" Thanks for your support!
We were honored to be included on this amazing box set, The Georges Lang "LA Collection" from RTL in France
Our night with Barnaby Bye at the Boulton was a special one, we're all hoarse from singing our
hearts out and we're a little exhausted but only in the nicest way. We want to thank all our friends and
fans for supporting us and making it such a great success. Special thanks to Michele and Scott
from the Boulton and we'd also like to thank our dedicated crew. Mike Barbrich and Dave Giacone
were the cream on top of the cake, thanks guys!
It was a nice surprise when Gene Cornish of the Young Rascals introduced us and then came out
to play "Good Lovin" with us. He's an amazing musician, entertainer and person, it was an honor
having him share the stage with us.
We also got a surprise visit from the Long Island Music Hall Of Fame and they gave us all awards
for our induction in the LIMHOF. Proof that our long time tour manager Jon Taylor is very sneaky.
For the first time ever we performed "Savin The Day", the song we wrote and performed for
the classic movie "Ghostbusters" complete with cool clips from the movie running behind us.
The show was full of emotion, laughs and our fair share if foo-paas which I think our fans
also enjoy.
All and all it was a great night and would not be possible without our loyal fans, we love you.
We'll post all the great photos as we receive them and of course we'll have the
Fly On The Wall Video up ASAP Here are some cool shots we got so far from Fred Appel and
John Smith and Iris Levine thanks guys!
It's here! Soundfighter's Alessi Bros. Remixes
We recieved a touching letter from an old friend, Sam (Sammy) Ash, we just have to share.
On September 2nd. we lost a very special friend
He was amazing person and a culinary genius,
Billy Joel is right, only the good die young.
You'll be missed Aalt, RIP
For our birthday Marc Rubinstein of The Pig Light Show put together this Pig Light Show
video for our cover of the Beatles "Two Of Us" Thanks Marc!
Our Friend Gustave from Chili sent us this link to our S. American Fan Site..
Had a great time doing a show at the Theatre at Westbury
photo by Aviva
check out the Fly On The Wall Video:
*Flashback from Laurie Davis whos was about 13 when she took this at Great Adventure in the 70's
We found fun little flashback from our archives..
memo from the publicity dept. A&M records
May 19th. 1978.**
"All I Want For Christmas is a Job"
now available on itunes and other download sites
-Alessi Bros. Honored-
DFA labelmates and ridiculously awesome live bands LCD Soundsystem and Hot Chip have been on tour together for awhile now, even releasing a quickie double live album last week. On Monday night, they played the tour's last show together in Manchester, England. They wrapped things up by teaming onstage for a pretty, faithful cover of the Alessi Brothers' soft rock nugget "Seabird". Someone in the crowd got video of it, and though the image quality is a bit grainy and shaky, the audio is pristine. Thanks to Josh Barnes for the tip, and check out the video below.
Check out our Fly On The Wall video from our 2nd. annual Barnaby Bye Cruise '10
Thanks for voting us in the top 2000 songs in Holland!
Nov. 8, '10.We lost another one of the good guys:
Jeff Kracke
August 1, 1949-October 26, 2010.
He was, and always will be a dear old friend, he was the guy in the truck, mixing all those great WLIR live concerts
at My Father's Place. We were lucky enough to have him on the road with us as our chief sound guru. He would modify our
instruments, (Billy would say, "If only this keyboard did this or that" Jeff would say, "let me take a look at it" the next day
it not only did this or that but there were also a few upgrades we didn't even think of.)
He had an amazing sense of humor, I don't think a day goes by where I don't coin one of his clever sayings..still.
Everyone who's known him smiles when they think of him, they all have favorite moments and memories of this wonderful person.
If only we'd gotten a chance to tell him before he was gone.
We'll miss you Jeff.
Oct.27, '10
Wednesday October 27th. Billy, Peppy and Bobby will be interviewed on
The Marianne Morrison Show
The show starts at 7:PM Eastern Standard time
You can listen live at
Any fans overseas or home can email questions during the show.
-send questions or comments to-
Fans can also come to the restaurant, have dinner or drinks and hang with the boys.
1569 Lexington Ave. (Btw. 100th. and 101st.)
We'll be discussing our past, meeting in the Broadway cast of "Hair"
The present, what we've been up to lately
and what the future will bring to Barnaby Bye, Alessi Bros. Peppy Castro
& Mike Ricciardella.
We'll also be playing some music, released and unreleased.
Come and join us!Sept. 4, '10
In loving memory of a very dear friend
Charlie Buttacavoli
Then & Now...thanks for sharing Sharyn.
We just received a nice review for "All Our Life" on Rock Pages..Read more..
We just added a slideshow from our performance at Westbury, (thanks Brad & Berger Bros Camera)
What a beautiful night it was, lots of video and photos to come not to mention our Fly On The Wall video.
July 6,'10.
Getting ready for the Cruise July 10th!
~Click here for directions to Captree State Park Marina~
(When you get to the Marina, the Moon Chaser is all the way on the right, you'll see a giant Barnaby Bye poster hanging on the side)
-May. 17, 2010.
Our good friend George Lang is celebrating his 37th. year on RTL French radio.
Congratulations Georges!
"Joyeux anniversaire" (click for audio)
This was given to us by a friend of our guitarist, Mike Barberich, His friend Bob worked at Media Sound on 57th. st., New York
in the 70's where we recorded "All For A Reason" produced by Ron Dante'. He did a really great job on it but we wound up going
with our good friend and mentor, David Lucas as producer of our second LP " All For A Reason" Thanks Bob! (Peppy Castro on the right)
Billy & Bobby will perform with their band, Barnaby Bye on March 21st. at the Theatre at Westbury. We will be special guests at the America concert.
***Our performance at the ALS Benefit is at around 7:00 PM.
We're performing April 25th. at the ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Benefit to be held at the Nutty Irishman in Farmingdale, LI.